Our Irish Road Trip | County Clare | Part I

Ten thousand years later, I'm here! As you may remember I escaped off to Ireland over Easter to surprise my little sister who's currently studying in Dublin. She knew about mum & dad coming over to visit but that was about it.

I've never been good at keeping secrets. Organising surprises is a skill I do not master. I'm mostly dying to tell you what I've been planning - because if I'm planning you a surprise you can be sure I love you more than most people, and by definition you're normally aware of my every moves.

Anyway, the point is I have no poker face (we discussed this before!) so when Lizzie asked me on Skype why the hell wasn't I buying plane tickets to join them for Easter, I had to concentrate so hard to lie that I looked like I was about to cry which turned out to be a great trick, she stopped questionning me altogether and started worrying about my emotional sanity.

Early on the thursday morning I made my way to the airport feeling like it was Christmas morning - gosh do I miss her when we're apart. We talk almost every day but it's never the same as being with each other!

Hours later, I made it into Dublin, hid in a cafe until lunch where I suprised her in an Italian restaurant. She screamed, then cried, then I cried, then everyone in the restaurant was watching, then we did our happy dance, squealed some more and finally managed to calm down for a nice lunch. She'll tell you she KNEW I was coming, but that's all lies.. she's just showing off.

We spent the first night in Dublin before making our way into the countryside. Dad rented a car, all set with a truck load of car snacks, we played a good mix of Drake and Ray Charles driving around the back roads of Ireland stopping along the way for tea and a lot of photos. I spent 4 days laughing non-stop. Abs of steel I tell ya.

These shots were taken on an ice cream/lunch stop at Lehinch in County Clare. We were supposed to see the Cliffs of Moher... which we sort of missed somehow?! We thought those ones were the real thing when in an actual fact they were just around the corner... Another excuse for us to come back! 


Time to be happy


Bath Time | Part II