Time to be happy

It's been a while since I last sat down with you to give you a proper udpate. I mean sure you know I've been to Ireland recently, and previously Bath - and other places in between that still need to be blogged about! 

It's crazy to think how much life can change in the space of 6 months. Crazy to think about where I was physically (Bali) and emotionally (scared/confused) 6 months ago. Time does heal and karma has got your back.

I almost don't even want to say this out loud but since the beginning of this year, good things keep on happening to me, as if the universe was giving me a tap on the shoulder whispering 'hey girl, you've got this' - and for the first time in a long time I finally feel like I actually got this.

I don't have everything figured out, I have no idea what the next 6 months are going to bring but I've got a feeling it's going to be pretty damn good (all fingers and toes crossed)

Around Christmas last year I just had no idea what 2015 was going to bring, no idea what direction I should be heading, where I should even start, what should I do with my career, with my blog, where should I live, should I stay at home for a bit or go straight into job hunting? ALL THE QUESTIONS.

Then someone wise told me, "You want to know a secret? ... no one has it figured out. NO one EVER. and if they look like they do then it's just on the surface, deep down we're all trying to do the best that we can, figuring things out along the way" Once you let that sink in, suddenly everything feels much easier, much lighter. 

So wait.. what? I actually DON'T have to have it all planned out on paper, scheduled in, step by step in an excel sheet? 

Sometimes you've just got to give yourself a little pat on the back (or better - a full on bear hug), trust that everything will be ok in the end. Trust that gut feeling. Trust the butterflies. Trust yourself.

These days I wander around beautiful London, I wake up every morning happy to do what I do, I don't hate Mondays anymore, I feel inspired and motivated, I go on adventures, I live somewhere that inspires me, I'm excited about the future, I feel happy!

Now a little bit more about my new arm candy - my newest discovery is called Daisy Knights (LOVE the name.. covers all sides of my personality ;) thanks to Selfridges who spoiled me rotten. I've only recently started wearing watches on a daily basis again. Just because I don't think I ever found one that just works with everything you know? This one just goes perfectly with my gold bangle that I never take off, and black is the new black.

On that note, have a wonderful weekend! (I'd love to say 'sunny weekend' but it'll be more of a 'hibernate under your duvet with takeaway food kinda weekend' ha!)

| Photography by Nishaantishu | Model num. 2 : Molly the labradoodle, property of Freya from Nishaantishu |