Bath Time | Part II

I hope you all had a magical Easter weekend filled with so much chocolate you can't even look at a Malteser bunny in the eye anymore (speaking from experience) As you may have seen on instagram I spent mine away in Ireland to surprise my sister - I'll obviously tell you all about it very soon... In the meantime, our day in Bath was not quite over yet!

We left the spa all crinkly, ready for some food - but first we walked around the town while I took a million and one photos of all the beautiful houses. You could almost imagine yourself in a Jane Austen novel if you were squinting hard enough. A day wasn't enough to see everything, as always, but it made me want to come back for more! You guys gave so many recomendations on Instagram that day, I've got a long list to keep me going next time I'm back.. Mel is already planning our next visit to buy all of those teapots - she collects them and couldn't beleive her eyes that we missed that magical little store, I mean they had an AGA TEAPOT. So for the sake of Mel's sanity - we will be back Bath!