Sticky Toffee Sundays

I have bittersweet feelings towards Sundays. If you ask me, Saturday is the true King of the week. Sunday is the wolf in sheep's clothing, unless... well, unless there's sticky toffee pudding involved. It has to be warm, gooey and come with sweet, ice cold vanilla ice cream that slowly melts into the warm sea of toffee. Then I can handle the wolf, and only then.

I left you last time with a competitive game of Scrabble, and marmite. The following day was beautifully sunny, so we all decided to jump in the car to the nearest pub for a proper Sunday roast. We had to be rolled home we ate so much.

I used to wonder how english I would become. Growing up in France up until I was 18, I am very much French. Of course, technically speaking I am half British and half French, but France is and always will be my home. French is my first language, I know my cheeses, I say "oh la la" a fair bit, half of my wardrobe is stripes and I put garlic into pretty much everything I eat.

After moving to England for University and settling here in London, I knew that my British half would want to come out and play. It's been interesting to see how I have changed over the years, I believe I am now a good balance of both, but to the French I am very english and to the english I am very French! So who knows!

If eating marmite, having endless cups of tea all day, not minding the rain too much and enjoying Sunday roasts at country pubs makes me English then I'm all in.

I meant to tell you about this new cream I have been using recently - nothing to do with sticky toffee pudding, but when one finds a good day cream, one must shout it from the rooftops. It's from Malin & Goetz, I love their stuff, but that one just really tops the cake. Here's the link to it, I'll also add a few of my favourites down below, because I don't know about you but my skin has turned to scales since it has become arctic here in London (one word : OILS!)


My Dream Magnum


Country Escape