Country Escape

Once in a while I get London cabin fever and just need to escape. One of my favourite things to do is jumping on a train after work on Friday night, off to the countryside, between Hampshire and West Sussex to be precise, at my grandparent's house.

We arrive just in time for dinner and a glass of wine, catching up on everything since we last saw each other. After dinner we all say goodnight and set off to our respective bedrooms for a long bath before sleeping like logs (countryside silence.. AHH it's good!!)

After a lazy morning, we regrouped by the aga in the kitchen for tea and toast (mine with a whole lot of butter and marmite.. my 10 year old self would NOT approve) before setting off on a long walk between rain showers. The afternoon was wet and chilly, which was the perfect time for a fearless game of Scrabble with tea and one too many digestives. I'm secretly 80 years old, so this kind of weekend is literally my idea of heaven! 

Thought I'd pop down what I'm wearing, particularly in love with my new Radley bag!


Sticky Toffee Sundays


Cabin Music