Feeling At Home

Sweet London, you've been so good to me this year. You welcomed me with open arms, I gave you a hard time for being cold and grey after spending a year in the sun but it was all quickly forgotten once I saw your beautiful Christmas lights last December and your wonderfully sunny days in the park or at the farmer's market this summer.

Last weekend I packed everything I own in way too many boxes and came back to square one - sort of. Let me try and explain..a few months ago I found a great new flat in North London, the only minor problem is.. it's not quite ready until the end of the year. So I sadly gave up my lovely little bubble in Shoreditch to come back to the greener parts of Parsons Green... (aka square one - I lived here when I first moved to London..) 

Right now I'm half unpacked, in the in-between, still grabbing things out of suitcases, not quite packed, not quite unpacked (which by the way is my least favourite thing about moving.. especially all those 'little bits' I've been keeping for no reason at all - where do they all go?!?!) I don't mind the messiness of it all though, because I know the neighbourhood like the back of my hand and it feels like home.. that little Italian coffee down by the station, the tapas place around the corner, the lovely view over the park, the misty mornings by the river...

So here I am, back in this room where I first started my London adventure, feeling happy, and excited about creating new homes here and there. Although not so excited about packing and unpacking again.

There is definitely something to say about feeling 'at home' - to me, home is where you find comfort and familiarity. Somewhere with memories, old or new. A place with people you love, something you love. Home is definitely my parent's house in the South of France, but it's also my grandparent's house in the english countryside, or the French mountains where I grew up. I also left a little bit of home in Sydney, and here in London. Little pieces of home scattered all over, somehow all linked together in my heart. (super cheesy but true?) Where are your homeS?

Sweet London, I can't wait for you to twinkle your heart out in the next few weeks, continue being good to me will you?


Lunch in The Green House


Autumn Uniform