Tania Joy

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French Markets

On Saturday mornings when I'm at home (in France) we always, ALWAYS go to the market. It doesn't matter the weather, the season or how much you actually need to go. You just go. I find it hilarious to go with dad now because he knows everyone.. he'll be walking around saying hi to 10 different people, chatting to the grocers about their best produce, tactically making his way around. He knows exaclty who does what best and has his favourites, the bread lady even puts his 2 favourites loaves aside for him. When he's done buying half of the market he'll sit down en terrace for a strong cup of coffee with some friends, alongside half of the town. That's when my favourite activity begins : people watching (and people listening).

This time of the year is my favourite minus the dreaded hayfever - the stalls are full with juicy cherries, plump apricots, crunchy asparagus and as always, mountains of garlic, piles of hearty bread and strings of heavenly saucisson. We bought a huge bag of cherries, ended up eating half of it at the actual market. We got told off by maman who quickly forgave us when we presented her with the creamiest of goat's cheese (eaten with the last handfull of cherries left in the basket) Can you tell dad passed on his obsession of great food? I think he was definitely French in a past life.

I am currently in the countryside at my grandparent's house enjoying some time outside of London while everyone else is either at Ascot or watching the tennis! (where are you?!) Turns out it has been raining most of the day so I'm kind of glad I didn't go... (that's what I keep telling myself anyway..) No market today but if I was in London I'd be spending half of my day at Broadway market for sure, not exactly French but close enough! What are your weekend plans?!