Pool Days

It has been so hot in the past few days, I've been looking at these photos from my time at home a few weeks ago, wishing I could be back in that pool. Note to self : DO NOT take the central line on the hottest day of the year. It was the sauna from hell. At the moment all I wish for is to be wheeled around in an ice bath. I miss pool days at home with Lizzie.

We normally start early in the morning, lather ourselves up in sunscreen, make a pot of tea and jump right in, when the water is still cool from the night before. It's the best way to wake up. Bikini tops are optional, we're French after all.. ha! We read in the shade, make up synchronised swimming routines to our favourite Taylor Swift songs ;) from time to time we run back to the house for snacks and refreshments, while Hector naps in the shade. Remember that time we picked cherries in the mountains and then spent the rest of the day like lizzards by the pool? It's the very best.


Pink Skies


French Markets