iPhone Round-Up

Coming back from a monster holiday with thousands of photos and so many stories to tell, can feel a little overwhelming. So here I am a week into January 2015 (can you believe it?!) trying to fill you in with everything that has been going on in my life (hint: a lot)

I wasn't sure where to begin but so far I think starting by the moment I landed in London (coming back from Australia/Bali/India, more on that soon) reunited with my family & friends, spent one beautiful christmas, one fun NYE and made it back home in the South of France, is a good way to start. I think?


+ After 2 long days between airports and long flights. I made it back in my favourite city all tanned (long gone by now), a little emotional, with my mama on my side.


+ I happily stretched out in a real bed (compared to Indian beds) and slept off the lingering jetlag (gallons of coffee were also needed)


+ I was finally reunited with my baby sister/best friend/funnest person alive. We cried, hugged, jumped, did our happy dance, cried some more and literally squeezed each other REAL hard (we hadn't seen each other in a year...)


+ Then it was my cousins aka (almost) sisters. Again, we squealed, jumped, cried.. and tried to fill in each other with ALL the juicy stories. 


+ THEN I was reunited with my two sidekicks aka fringe triplets for a long brunch in Notting Hill. It was (again) very emotional, we couldn't quite beleive we were all in the same country, let alone same city. Hours of catching up, so much to tell with one now married and the other engaged. Those two!


+ After a few days in London, we made our way to my grandparent's house for Christmas, where the rest of the family joined us. 
