Tania Joy

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Making Lists 07 | Why Rain Is Unquestionably The Best Weather Ever by Chelsea

Today the Making Lists series is making an appearance again! This time with the beautiful Chelsea from the blog Zipped. I've been an avid follower of Chelsea's beautiful Instagram for a while, we bonded over our love for food & comfy looking beds (she gives me weekly heart attacks when she perches her cup of tea on her macbook though..) 

I'm forever grateful for this blog, introducing me to amazing people all the time. As off today some of my closest friends have come into my life through blogging. I'm going to be a bridesmaid at Sophie's wedding in August, and guess how we met... through this little blog! This might sound completely crazy to some people, but I can assure you these friendships couldn't be more real, sincere & beautiful. Don't believe your mum when she says you shouldn't trust people you meet on the internet ... ;) (of course avoid the weirdos..)

Sometimes blogging can feel a little lonely because you don't have this contact with people on a daily basis, but then you come across people like Chelsea & even though we have never met I just know that she's one of those rare kind souls that make this world that much better & we would be great friends if Minneapolis & Sydney were closer. I'm trying to convince her to come & visit me, but I'm secretly planning to go visit her instead on my next big adventure to the U.S (from one big adventure to the next ha!) 

This list should be read snuggled up in a comfy blanket, sipping on something hot & sweet (preferably hot chocolate or a good ol' cuppa) Rainy days are my favourite too... Thank YOU darling Chelsea! (make sure to check her beautiful blog & gorgeous Instagram!)

I'm so honoured to be writing for Tania and her beautiful blog. Tania is one of my favorite Instagram accounts to follow and one of the sweetest people I've met on the Internet. She asked me to contribute to her Making Lists series on a particularly rainy weekend here in Minneapolis, so it wasn't hard for me to decide the bit about myself that I wanted to share on her corner of the Internet. Thanks, Tania!


Why Rain Is Unquestionably The Best Weather Ever 

1. Rain refreshes the earth and everything in it. 

2. The smell puts you in just about clearest mood you’ve ever been in.

3. Some soggy jeans and a little stringy hair never hurt anyone.

4. The sound of raindrops against a windowpane.

5. After a long morning stroll sans umbrella, rain gives a good excuse to stay in and bake something new or curl up on the couch with your favorite TV show. The coziest.

6. I never feel more inspired to work on my writing than with a good rainstorm happening on the other side of my windows.

7. Rain reminds me of home. There is nothing like an overcast, drizzly day to take my mind right back to Seattle, Washington.


| Photographs by Chelsea Lane from Zipped |