One Photo A Day | January

Over the past few months I've really gone overboard obsessed with Instagram, I think it's such a great way to keep track of memories & remember what made your day. So I've decided that at the end of each month, I will share with you a compilation of one photo a day taken throughout that month (mostly on my iPhone!).

I have to say this was not my idea, it comes from the beautiful blog called The Secret Life of Bee. I think it's such a great concept, once the photographs are all put together it's the perfect way to reflect on the month gone by & remember all the little things that made it so special! 

So... good ol' January! I can't believe we're already a month (& 5 days) into 2014! January for me was a month of transitions, of real adventure, the month I moved to the other side of the world. It made me a little nostalgic looking through all of these photographs, it really seems like yesterday when Lizzie & I were taking photos through crazy ferns, or when Mel (& then Edward) came for a surprise visit!

Thinking about it now I had been looking forward to January 2014 for MONTHS & it's just gone in a flash! Really can't wait to discover what February has in store for me..! What made your January special?

// You can follow me on Instagram over here (I'm @taniajoyfjane) //


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