I'm in Sydney!!!!

I'm finally in Sydney!! I arrived 5 days ago actually...! But between jet lag & the lack of internet in my new flat it has been quite hard to update the blog! It's been such a crazy & exciting time for me.. meeting new people, discovering new places, learning about all the little 'every day' things like food shopping, catching a bus, opening a bank account, I wouldn't even question any of that back at home but all those things are suddenly completely unknown to me. I absolutely love Sydney already.. I can't wait to go explore more, especially all of the 200+ beaches around..!

These photos were taken on my very first day in Australia. I arrived on Australia day, which is the equivalent of the 4th of July in America or the 14th of July in France.. I don't think I could have picked a better first day! Everyone was partying, out and about, it was amazing. I was lucky enough to be welcomed into Soph's home, which was such a blessing after 3 long days of travelling (if you are flying to Sydney from London DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT book a flight with a 16 hour night layover in Hong Kong or anywhere else for that matter... 16 hours is a LONG time!)

Soph's family (is the BEST!) took me along with them to show me the Northern beaches, we had such a relaxing day walking around, eating here and there (notably at Cranky Fins Holiday Inn which is pictured in this post, perfect beach-side restaurant!) It definitely eased off the jet lag & made me fall in love with this beautiful city!

I cannot wait to show you more photos, be patient with me, I will hopefully have internet after the weekend, so until then posting is going to be quite sporadic..but you can follow my adventures on Instagram & Twitter (thank goodness for iPhones!)


Bilgola Beach and my thoughts on blogging


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