An Ode To Summer by Andrew and Carissa Gallo

I am so deeply inspired by Andrew and Carissa Gallo's work. He is a talented filmmaker and she is an amazing photographer. If you haven't already done so, check out their beautiful blog.

This little film was made for the release of volume 4 of Kinfolk Magazine. You can see more pictures over at Sea Chant a storytelling production Andrew and Carissa have just started.

I have been a huge fan of Kinfolk since the beginning, they keep on surprising me with their talent and the beauty of their work. I would advise you to watch all of Kinfolk's videos. You won't regret it.

I hope this leaves you feeling as dreamy and inspired as it makes me feel right now.I have watched this video a ridiculous amount of time, I won't share numbers with you, but just so you know, it is rather embarrassing.