A few of the things we saw, ate and drank on our short trip to England

Today I decided I would post twice. (read: I am bored out of my mind and need to do something with my life.) 
It wouldn't be fun if it didn't include a fair amount of yummy looking food. 

We stayed in the cutest little Bed and Breakfast outside of Canterbury, on the first night. The same one we stayed at when my parents drove me all the way up from France, 3 years ago when I started University, and we didn't even plan it! Coincidence or what?

In order: Avocado and prawns, Asparagus and cress risotto, Raspberry beer and Victorian lemonade (my all time favourite), blueberry muffin (my second all time favourite).


Granola Weekend


An Ode To Summer by Andrew and Carissa Gallo