Long Weekend in Suffolk


How dreamy are bank holiday weekends?! Having an extra day makes SUCH a difference - all weekends should be 3 days. I bet we'd all be much more efficient at work and would achieve more in 4 days than we do in 5. RIGHT?! Maybe we need to start a petition...


Last weekend we set off early to pick up this fluff ball at Freya's house - Freya and Adam were going away for a week to Italy and as their number one dogsitters we happily pretended to be them for a weekend. So off we went with their dog and their car!


Of course, we left later than planned and got stuck in 2 hours of traffic, in the heat. Thank goodness for pee stops and a great DJ (me).


We finally made it to Suffolk a few hours later than planned, and sweatier than planned too. We came to visit my uncle and aunt and their brand new eco house. It was so perfect, it made us want to ditch everything, come live in the countryside and design houses - or maybe that was just me.


I mean look at it! It must be so special to design your own home from A to B. Designing the tiniest little details and having it exactly how you want it to be. Definitely one to add to the bucket list!


That first night we were greeted by more family members and a delicious dinner under the stars, with drinks, laughs and music long into the night.
