The Hunt For The Perfect Face Cream

We already established that I am not a beauty expert. So I won't go into minute details about the consistency of each of those creams and how they affected each of my pores, but when I find something I love, I just want to spread the love..

This journey begins with one cold hard fact: 3 weeks ago I ran out of face cream..

No you did NOT! *suspense* As a consequence, for the past 20 plus days, I've been using literally everything under the sun to moisturise, including several body lotion, coconut oil, and a serum (with nothing else) which if you ask me is not THAT bad, just not the best. At least I didn't pop open the bottle of olive oil - it was a close call though.

I started noticing my skin wasn't feeling so hot and wondered why... blaming the water and my poor diet decisions (too much pizza). Until it hit me in the face - quite literally. How could I expect my skin to do great when I was feeding it - excuse my French - cr*p. 

So it began : The Hunt For My Skin Savior. I ran into Space NK begging the lady at the counter to save my pores, I scrolled through all the corners of Content, and inevitably ended up in an Aesop shop.

I tried all of these in the shop, added some to my wishlist (looking at you Chantecaille) and yesterday decided to buy the Aesop Camelia Nut cream because... you can never go wrong with Aesop? (I've been using their Amazing Face Cleanser for a whole year now and it's the BEST) 

I thought I'd share with you my discoveries on this ridiculous journey, because sharing is caring? 

1. Camelia Nut Facial Hydrating Cream, Aesop - perfect for my sensitive skin, smells heavenly too (you know that Aesop smell) works perfectly as a night cream too.

2. Flower Harmonizing Cream, Chantecaille - the ultimate crème de la crème, I'm a big fan of the brand, they give back to a lot of causes (wild bees, butterflies and elephants amongst others) which I admire. The cream smells like a fresh bouquet of roses.. it's next on my list!

3. Vital Moisturizing Cream, Trilogy - I found this one while scrolling through many online beauty shops. The price is what really got me. It has Rosehip oil (my fav) and had SPF which is a win-win situation.

4. Rosehip Oil Antioxidant, Trilogy - Did I ever mention I love roses, the smell of roses, rosehip oil? No? Surprising! I've just finished a bottle of this, I smudge it on my face post cleansing, pre-moisturising. It rocks my world.

5. Water Fuse Beauty Balm SPF25Dr Jart - I rediscovered this superhero at the bottom of my makeup bag. I've been using it every morning ever since. I don't wear much makeup, and normally go with a little concealer and bronzer but this baby is a moisturiser, sunscreen and treatment serum all in one. It's made out of 50% of water and feels light yet smoothes out any imperfections (now I sound like an ad.. I swear it's not!)

6. Cell Revitalise Day Moisturiser, Aurelia - I've been obsessing with taking probiotics for the past few months after listening to a very interesting podcast on This American Life (which you should check out if you don't know about it already!) about the importance of all the good bacteria living inside us, but never considered the ones that live on the outside you know?

Ps: spill the beans on your favourite moisturisers.. pretty please?