When Soph is in London we eat

Soph & George were in town for 2 weeks to visit G's familly here in London. It was almost surreal to have them here with me when just a few months ago we were all in sunny Sydney on the other side of the world! 2 weeks obviously went in a flash, but if you remember we all met up with the girls and had the most scrumptious hot chocolate? This is what happened post-chocolate coma...

First we visited Adam and Molly at his office (sadly he had to work so he couldn't joing us..!) We played with Mols for a bit, and told her how beautiful her new haircut was. Then we made our way to Antidote for wine, cheese and cured meats because that's naturally what you do after filling yourself up with liquid chocolate & bruschetta (covered in melted cheese.. I think I forgot to mention it last time).. duh. They had one delicious saucisson, it tasted like France - if you ask me that deserves a 10/10.

After a few x-rated conversations and laughing fits we decided it was time for coffee. So we walked to Monocle - purely for the reason that it looked SO good in this photo... we were a little disapointed when on arrival the whole building was covered in scaffolding, but hey the coffee was good! 

A few days later, it was already time for Soph to head home *sad face* so we met up for a boozy mexican lunch, of course. We decided to give La Bodega Negra a go, and it did not disapoint!

Mexican is always a good idea, but I was really surprised with La Bodega Negra, and I can't wait to go try their restaurant downstairs (we were in the 'cafe' bit at the top). It was already time for goodbyes, I'm not good at those.. Crossing all my fingers and toes that they'll be able to come visit again come Christmas and that I'll manage to make it back to Sydney for a holiday next year. Someone invent teleportation ASAP!



Fresh countryside air


In the Studio with Oh Flora