The Best Hot Chocolate in London : Said

Said Hot Chocolate London

I don't say that lightly! My favourite kind of hot chocolate is thick, rich, creamy and full of flavour. Definitely not the milky, powdered kind you get at every street corner, but the kind that could be called a meal in itself.

Said Hot Chocolate London | Joy Felicity Jane

To this day I still remember having what I thought was the best hot chocolate then, it was one sunny morning in Spain years ago when I was 11 or 12. It came with a churro that you could dip in your cup. It was breakfast. As you can imagine it stayed with me for a very long time.. and I don't recall having something quite like it ever again, until of course last saturday.

Said Hot Chocolate London | Joy Felicity Jane

Actually thinking about it now, I remember having one memorable hot chocolate in Guadeloupe (again probably 10 years ago..), prepared the real way by actually grating the cocoa bean straight into a hot pan of fresh milk. With added spices and sugar cane syrup.. It was exploding with flavours. We ended up coming back with suitcases full of cocoa beans. As tasty as it was it wasn't rich or decadent enough.

Said Hot Chocolate London | Joy Felicity Jane

Which really, let's be honest is all you really want. Saying that after one cup, you're probably done for the day. Unless of course your 3 best girlfriends are with you and you're on a food tour around London, then the hot chocolate turns out to be a starter.

Said Hot Chocolate London | Joy Felicity Jane

Freya introduced us to this little corner or Soho. It's almost something out of Harry Potter, with deep cauldrons of thick chocolate bubbling away. The whole place is covered in silver tins, everything a baker could dream of. 

Said Hot Chocolate London | Joy Felicity Jane

We all met up just before brunch. I couldn't be more excited because I was finally introducing Soph to Rosie & Freya. They have obviously been talking and following each other on all possible social media for over a year but they had never met because around the time when we all got really close, Soph moved back to Sydney. I knew they would get on really well but it is such a great feeling when you bring two of your closest groups together and they get on like house on fire.

Said Hot Chocolate London | Joy Felicity Jane