Tania Joy

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Violet Bakery + Hackney City Farm

violet bakery London

Oh Violet! So following my flower market escapade I made my way further East to meet my friend Freya who hadn't left the house all weekend because of a mean cold. I thought flowers and a short trip to the bakery for cake would make it all better (and it did!)

frosted cake Violet Bakery

So Violet is this little bakery in Hackney, you wouldn't really know it was there unless you knew, you know? Anyway, it's a must if you're in the area. Just look at that cake!

Violet bakery Cupcakes London bacon & egg scones

The bacon and egg SCONE!

bacon & egg scone

Just look. at. it.

chocolate and salted caramel cake

The choice was hard, but I decided to go for this fudgey, gooey chocolate cake with a Rum and salted caramel icing. Yep. 

Violet Bakery london

It was as good as it sounds.. and more. I actually couldn't finish it all because.. well that sandwhich. So I took half of it back home.. which I later forgot about in my fridge. Between you and me.. stale or not that cake was GOOD.

Violet Bakery London

Hackney is slowly becoming one of my favourite parts of London. Mainly because Freya's there and also because of the markets, the greenery, the cute little cafe & shops..

Hackney City Farm Hackney City Farm

and the city farm! Seriously. I don't care how old I am, if I can go pet donkeys, goats, rabbits, chickens.. and other farm animals. I'm a happy girl! Especially when living in the city.

Hackney City Farm

You can take the girl out of the country but you can't get the country out of the girl... or something like that?!

Hackney City Farm Hackney City Farm

I was almost attacked by a goose - she didn't like to have her photo taken. Clearly.

Hackney City Farm Hackney City Farm

I wouldn't mind a few chickens on my balcony for fresh eggs every morning...

Hackney City Farm

Freya is trying to convince me to move there, so we can go for cake and yoga classes together at a moment's notice but we all know there isn't much convincing to do.. If only finding a place to live in London wasn't so daunting (and expensive - subject for another time maybe.. but how do you find a place without going insane?! huh?)