Tania Joy

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Photo Journal : India | Part II

I'm back with more photos from India..! It's picture heavy, get ready for some scrolling...

As I mentionned yesterday I had to seriously control my paparazzi-like picture-taking habits. For some reason I couldn't find a new charger abroad, but to be honest a part of me enjoyed this new way of really selecting what I wanted to picture instead of snapping away mindlessly. You know, living on the edge and all...

From the response I had on yesterday's post I've got a feeling I'm not the only one who experienced India that way. See I'm already dreaming up ways to go visit the northern states some day.. There are many more new countries I want to discover but India sure has that little voice whispering to you when you scroll on Skyscanner, some times even shouting for you to come back. (when I think about it so does Australia, Bali, Greece, Italy, Guadeloupe, Sri Lanka... and all the places I've visited and loved - oh the heart of a wanderluster)

Looking at these I can almost feel the sun on my skin, smell the incense and jasmin in the air, scratch the mossie bites on my legs, taste the delicious curries, ALMOST.

It was so great to meet my mum there and experience it a second time with her. Our reunion was so sweet and emotional, a whole year without her was way, way too long. I promised myself to not leave it that long next time I go away. (don't freak out mum, I'm not going too far anytime soon - or am I ;)