Giveaway winners & other ramblings

Oh hey! So this has been long overdue but the winners of the business cards giveaway have been announced!! Pop over to the giveaway post and see if you're the lucky winner(s)! (names are announced on the widget at the bottom, you'll receive an email with more details in your inbox very shortly) Giveaways are fun.. maybe they should happen more often around here ;)

This week has been a whirlwind of endless supplies of paracetamol, bottomless packs of tissues, one very red nose covered in Papaw (very sexy as you can imagine - it works wonders though) I started my nannying job again this week which meant looking after some very jet lagged 3 y/o twins with a pounding headache and eyelids that could barely stay open.. but I made it! Having Fridays off meant I took full advantage of spreading across the entire bed past 7am (when Mr goes to work) and oh boy was it the best lie in I've had in a LONG time. Breakfast followed me back into bed with a screening of Neighbors (hilarious but really all that matters is the dreamy Zac Effron)

In the past couple of weeks we've been watching the series called Fargo - MIND BLOWING. I've tweeted about it before but in case you missed it, you better go watch it and tell me what you think! What a plot, fantastic actors, shot in the most beautiful way.. it's got it all. I could probably write about it for hours.. but now that we've finished season 1 (and finished Suits as well) I'm lost. Tell me what to watch next..? (I beg you)

I am longing for summer like nothing else, I've had enough of Lizzie (my sister) showing off her tan lines on Skype, enough of this crazy weather that cannot make its mind up. Get it together Sydney. This whole opposite season thing is confusing my Pinterest activity - it's just all over the place - I mean between summer salads and pumpkin pies, knits and bikinis, snowy mountain tops and sandy beaches. I feel like I have to stay on top of ALL seasons at all times, and man it's driving me nuts. (this last sentence is something I have actually never said in real life, the man and nuts bit of course) ps: that's what she says.

Anyway enough of this pointless rambling, I'll be back later with a few photos I took this week. I spent a day at the zoo with the littles and shot enough Instagram content to last me for weeks. Have a wonderful weekend! (have a PSL for me please? or is it too early?)