Moo Giveaway | Business Cards

'Order business cards' has been on my to-do list for maybe... 2 years? Not kidding. Every time I go to an event, or just meet people who are interested in my blog, I have nothing to give them to remember me. You tell them your name and the name of your blog hoping they will remember it by their 4th cocktail - we both know that never happens - I'm always kicking myself for not having anything to give out, something as simple as a card with my name, my email and url. 

Because if anyone I meet has the same memory as me, then there is no hope. Absolutely none. I am the worst at remembering names, I somehow 'zone out' for a couple of seconds every time I get introduced to someone... is that bad? I can remember your face forever though (that sounds real creepy)

Here comes the business card. I know a lot of people say that their time is over, but I truly believe they're not. Nothing beats a good ol' business card to remember someone's details. I know I have a whole bunch of them in my purse at all times, whether it be from a restaurant or cafe I ate at and loved, or someone I met.

I know I regretted not having any cards to give out when I was at Fashion Week this year... but it's never too late! 

When Moo kindly contacted me asking if I'd like to give out 2 sets of 50 classic business cards to two of my readers I couldn't refuse, because I just know there has to be some of you out there who's had 'Make business cards' on their to-do lists for donkey's years.

So there you go, this is your chance! To make this fair, 2 winners will be picked at random (through Rafflecopter). All you have to do is enter the giveaway box below, follow the steps, easy peasy. 2 steps are mandatory & there's a few other options to gain extra entries.. The winners will be announced next Wednesday (3rd of September). Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


That's what happens when it's raining & I get bored...


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