A little Pancake Update

This is becoming some sort of weekly ritual. I won't elaborate on my deep love for pancakes because I've already done so last week...(bore us later Tania)

The whole point of this post is that this morning I made my healthy pancakes but instead of blueberries, I sliced some strawberries and placed a slice in the middle of the pancake just after pouring the batter in the hot pan, just like this :

It was one huge success so I thought I'd share the trick with you! Now strawberry pancakes are my new favourite thing (tune in next week around this time, I'm sure I'll come up with another favourite...)

I hope you all had a lovely weekend, here in Australia it's 11pm and I can smell stinky Monday just around the corner. If it's Sunday morning on your side of the world please make pancakes? Do it for me.