Visual Diary of Sophie's Hens Weekend in the Hunter Valley

/! Warning /!

You are about to get hit by a million photos, finger injuries might occur from scrolling down.

2 weekends ago now, Sophie & us 5 bridesmaids took off on a little road trip to the Hunter Valley (wine country a couple of hours outside of Sydney!) We rented a little cottage, drank a lot of wine (duh) laughed until our belly ached, had a couple of hilarious misadventures, cuddled up by the fire with cheese (& and more wine)

It was the perfect girls weekend away. Now the 300 million(ish) photos...

[more about our misadventures after all the scrolling I promise!]

You made it!

*You can have a little break now (if you wish)

We arrived Friday evening in time for dinner at Leaves & Fishes, but I'm getting ahead of myself!

We all met up at Sophie's house after work, hopped in the car with way too many bags for 2 days, stopped on the highway to buy unhealthy snacks, all of that time Soph obviously had the GPS going on her phone, we finally arrive at our little cottage on a property called Cottages on Lovedale, pull up at number 3, make our way in with all our luggage & start making ourselves comfortable on the sofas... up until we noticed a few things seemed a bit odd.

Most bedrooms had padlocks on them & the heating wasn't on as the owner said it would, and there was no code at the front door... scratching our heads and wondering how we would all sleep with just one bedroom open, one of us suddenly had the bright idea to double check the confirmation email to find out minutes later that WE WEREN'T IN THE RIGHT COTTAGE, wait for it.. we weren't even in the right property! We were staying at Lovedale Cottages instead NOT Cottages on Lovedale (or was it the other way around now..?!) The right property was actually 5 minutes down the road haha! We literally grabbed all of our bags as fast as we could & ran back into the car, laughing hysterically & quickly drove to the right cottage this time! 

I'm still laughing about it now.. 2 weeks later. Seriously! What were the chances that cottage number 3 was wide open, in a place that's almost called the same thing, just down the road from our actual cottage... Imagine if anyone had come in?! or worse if the GPS had taken us 2 hours away from the right place.... We laughed about it all night.

Anyway, our real cottage was so cosy (and this time had the heating on!) - it was also much better than the first one which was a relief!

All of Saturday was spent driving around a bunch of wineries, testing all the wines & eating our way around the valley. It was a lot of fun! That night we decided we had done enough driving around for the day and stayed in with cheese & meat boards by the fire. Best idea we had all weekend I believe!  

Ps: I saw wild kangaroos for the first time that weekend - FOR REAL - but.... they were too far away for pictures... *insert sad face* which was highly disappointing as they truly were the first wild kangaroos I have come across since I've been in Australia! So you'll just have to believe me and imagine a bunch of kangaroos munching on grass in between some vines.


Recipe | 'Healthy' Blueberry Pancakes


Weekend Scenes | Brunch in Manly & Soph's Bridal Shower