Tania Joy

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Saturday by the water

If these photographs are not a good enough reason for you to come over and live in Sydney or at least experience it for a little while then what is? People often refer to Bondi, the Opera House or the Harbour bridge as their favourite Sydney attraction, I beg to differ. THIS is what makes Sydney in my opinion.. all those beautiful bays, stunning parks with their eucalyptus trees dipping their feet in the water, those small hidden beaches & countless boats silently floating in the setting sun. Am I selling it to you or what? 

I have very recently started looking after the two cutest human beings for a few days every week. I have mentioned that I have been job hunting for the past couple of weeks which is the main reason behind this huge radio silence, I apologize, I am trying my hardest to find balance with it all.

Looking for a job is a job in itself, it sucks in all your energy/positivity/creativity/time. As a lot of you might know! (Keep going, something will eventually come your way!) I am in the middle of writing this long post about making the big move to Australia (Sydney in particular..) hoping it will help a few people out there who've been thinking about doing something similar (moving to live somewhere for a long period of time and finding a job, getting accustomed to it all... which is very different to backpacking around the country - who knew!)  

One important thing you need to know before jumping on a plane is that finding a  job on a working holiday visa is not the easiest! I knew I wasn't coming over here to work on my career as per se - of course it's always a work in progress, but I had to come to terms with not getting THE big job you know? 

There are very few options for the working holiday visa holders, mostly being a waitress, a barmaid, a receptionist or a nanny (obviously generalising, but the visa limits your options a LOT). It was pretty clear to me from the beginning that the latter would suit me best. Getting paid to have fun with little ones while discovering the city you live in is a win-win situation in my books, not my career choice (actually, I see it as training for my future babies ;) it sure helps me save money for future adventures...

So this saturday afternoon for example we packed some fresh fruit, strolled down to the park and sat down by the water watching the boats, soaking in those last rays of sunshine. We picked rose petals, ran bare feet in the grass & sang 'twinkle twinkle little star' a good 39 times. Today was a good day.

| Photos taken on my iPhone |