Tania Joy

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Currently Listing 02

eating // too many avocados (wait NO there is no such thing as too many avocados) & these (which again contains avocados... what a surprise)

drinking // smoothies every morning

practising // watercolours, I'm obsessed.

mastering // the art of fake ice cream (blended frozen bananas with peanut butter, coconut milk and whatever nuts/seeds/chocolate I have on hand)

learning // about veganism and plant based diets... I find nutrition fascinating.

finishing // (trying to) catch up with Game of Thrones. It takes a lot of dedication!

reading // The Book Thief & The Body Book

enjoying // this beautiful weather, it's almost Winter & I'm wearing dresses & sunglasses every day.

listening // to a lot of music.. This song and this one being current favourites.

walking // everywhere - since I've been in Sydney, walking is my number 1 form of exercise.

needing // a break from job hunting & a hug from my sister.

wearing // loose tees, dresses, and a lot of men's shirts because they are the best.

cooking // 3 ingredient peanut butter cookies & a lot of roasted veggies.

wondering // about the future.. 

working // on a few exciting projects & finding a day job, because that's a job in itself. 

travelling // around & outside Sydney, a little road trip is planned this weekend with Soph & her mama.

thinking // about horse riding, I MISS IT SO MUCH. Hugo if ya hear me, come to Australia!

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