WORN | Day 2 Outfit at MBFWA & some Easter thoughts

This is my typical outfit when I go hunting in the woods during the summer. It's very practical, it keeps you warm, acts as camouflage, the hat protects your head from branches & sunlight. Next time you're hunting in the woods & you're not sure what to wear... well just thank me later will ya?

In all seriousness.. I don't hunt on a regular basis so what am I talking about?! How was your long Easter weekend? Recovering from a chocolate coma still?

Easter for me this year has been a little on the odd side. No egg hunt in the garden with my sister, no Kinder eggs (because let's face it they're the best ones) no Ferrero Rochers, no family lunch & no traditional omelette picnic on Easter Monday, instead I had one Malteser chocolate bunny & worked for the rest of the day. Yuck.

I did enjoy a long walk by the sea on Monday which made up for the lack of easterness I guess! I am a sucker for traditions.. I love them. I love how each family have their own.. I know I'll hold our family's traditions close to my heart forever, I also cannot wait to start my own traditions when I have my very own family. What are your Easter traditions (if you celebrate it of course..!) ?

| Photos by Sophie Learmont, Edited by myself |