Tania Joy

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Love Links

A few things I've been loving around the internet recently...with a totally unrelated picture of my morning walk treasures & a few film photographs I took a while ago that found themselves in one wonderful birthday parcel I received a couple of weeks back.

+ I've been making a real effort to eat well & healthy, these tips are really making a difference to my daily meal routine...

+ I've found this great background noise generator, for those days you really need to relax, or concentrate & get lost for a minute or two (my favourite is the forest one, with a sprinkle of rain - because I daydream about buying a cabin in the woods)

+ 29 Ways To Stay Creative (taking notes...)

+ Great article on how to stop procrastinating & start writing...!

+ I really, really, realllyyyyyy want to go & stay in that magical hotel in Chile. A hobbit's dream!

+ I'm on a current Sex & the City marathon (it's been going on for days as you can imagine..) These 39 Carrie quotes make me love her even more!

+ Re-watching all of The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet episodes, because they're too good & I like to learn a lesson or two from these wonderful women.

+ That forest background noise I mentioned earlier, combined with this - pure gold.

// Other Love Links posts over here //