Dumplings at the Opera House

A couple of weeks back Sophie's parents kindly invited me to go to the Opera House for dumplings & wine... I was SO excited. I mean the OPERA HOUSE IN SYDNEY. It's like the Eiffel tower in Paris or Big Ben in London, it's a must see!

I see it every day when I cross the Harbour Bridge to get into the city, but walking up to it & casually sitting just below it is a totally different thing!!

It was a moody & rainy day, perfect for a warming glass of red & a bunch of steamed dumplings - my all time favourites. I'm planning on going to the opera or see a ballet in there before I leave Sydney..for sure!

The seagulls in Sydney are like pigeons in London or Paris.. they are EVERYWHERE especially around the harbour begging for food & jumping on tables as soon as people set off, the good thing about it is they're pretty clean looking & not greasy like most pigeons! That was your anecdote for the day.