Tania Joy

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Weekend Scenes | SUN-DAY

Sydney knows how to do Sundays. Sydney is the SUNday expert. I guess this is what this beach lifestyle is all about. That deep blue ocean. So many shades of blue. That clear water that makes you want to jump right in.

I've just watched this film called 'About Time', have you seen it? So many of my friends have been telling me about it, it's been on my 'to watch' list for months.. I actually walked right passed the red carpet on the premiere day in London because it was happening inside where I used to work (the beautiful Somerset House) Anyway, so I've just watched it today & cried like a baby.. I thought it was so beautifully done & real, so real despite the fact that it involves time travelling. It was also charmingly British - it reminded me how much I miss London. It's such a little gem.

But the point is, if I could time travel, I think I'd go back to this day over & over again, more specifically on that long refreshing swim in that crystal clear water. Maybe the novelty would wore off after a few times. Maybe it wouldn't. All I know is that while I can't actually time travel to this day, I'm planning on going back to Shelly beach, snorkels in hand as soon as I can.

Saturday was my lazy-watch-as-many-movies-as-possible day, it was so hot all I could possibly eat was sushi rolls & watermelon. My kind of summer food. On Sunday we had plans to go paddle boarding for the afternoon, but turned out that we arrived too late to rent any. It didn't matter too much, we just enjoyed the water pretending to be mermaids. Soph was then snapping away photos while I soaked in that hot sun like a lizzard on my rock. If you follow me on Instagram, you already know that I ended the day/week just the way it should be: with a jug of Pimm's, a delicious cheeseburger & some wine for good measure.