(A few) Weekend Scenes

Just a few snaps from our weekend back in London! After a very early start we arrived just in time for friday lunch, the rest of the day was spent napping & watching Christmas movies until it was time to go out for an Indian dinner with my cousins. This year is a bit of an odd one, as my cousins aren't spending Christmas with us - instead they decided to rent a house in Scotland with some friends...boooooring - so we had a (very emotional) Christmas/goodbye dinner. It was my first set of goodbyes before heading to Australia, let me tell you there was a lot of crying involved..! We're like siblings, so not seeing them for that long is going to be tough, thank goodness for Skype & FaceTime!

The rest of the weekend was just a big shopping marathon trying to get the best presents for everyone, we tend to always buy most of our presents in the UK as we're flying over from France & therefore are quite limited with the amount of pressies we can take! I love London at this time of the year! Lizzie & I met a friend of mine at Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park which was an interesting experience...the amount of people & overpriced drinks was quite impressive but fun nonetheless!

We're now at my grandparents' house in the country which is just a dream. The weather is atrocious though (it sounds like the roof might set off any minute now) but we're keeping cosy with lots of tea, the kitchen already smells delicious & we're about to start an extremely competitive game of Monopoly. Happy Christmas Eve Eve Everyone!


Christmas 2013

