Making Lists 04 | Molly's favourite ways to eat eggs

Here we go with another week of list making! This time I'm so happy to introduce you to Molly from the stunning My Name is Yeh. I discovered Molly's blog when she was still living in Brooklyn, NY - she has this ongoing love for dumplings & she's real funny, like 'drop your laptop, roll on the floor' kinda funny. I've been an avid reader ever since. I like to think we're internet friends.

She now lives in North Dakota on her boyfriend's farm. She is a killer baker (I mean just LOOK at this cake!!), her food photography is so good sometimes you're *this* close to gobble up your iPhone mistaking it for the real deal. On top of this Molly is a talented percussionist who graduated from Juilliard, she travels the world & she makes caramel in SNOW, I mean.. I basically want to be her.

When I asked her if she would like to guest post for my Making Lists series, she very kindly said yes & came up with so many amazing list ideas, I might have to ask her to write another one in the future! 

If you like eggs as much as I do, be prepared to get VERY hungry after reading this! I'm actually off to make myself some fluffy scrambled eggs, because my stomach said so.

Molly's favourite ways to eat eggs :

Hole in the middle. Some call it eggs in a basket, some call it eggs in a hole, or toad in a hole. (You say tomato...) However you call it, it's best with a runny yolk and a buttery circle of toasty bread to sop it all up.

Soft boiled. Sprinkled with a pinch of fancy salt, and in a cute as a button egg cup, they're the perfect accessories for a brunch table.

In soup. Scrambling an egg and then pouring it into boiling broth is like magic and it never gets old.

Tamago. My sister calls it sushi for beginners, I call it one of my favorite things ever.

Soft scrambled. If I have the extra time in the morning, I use it to scramble my eggs over very low heat. This makes them soft, fluffy, and heavenly.

Shakshuka. Delicious and nutritious, and perfect with a freshly baked pita. My farmer boyfriend's pronunciation of "Shakshuka" only adds to the excitement.

An Egg McMuffin. Double points if I'm on a hangover. Do I even need to explain this one?

Scotched. Sausage-y and with a runny yolk. Preferably at a picnic in the English countryside, but home in my PJs with a beer would work too. 

*All photographs taken by Molly from My Name is Yeh

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