Just Books 01

Must Read books 01.jpg

I love books. I love libraries. Not much in this world can beat the excitement & constant need to get back to reading when you're really into a book. I love their smell, old or new. I love borrowing books, finding an old postcard, a little note in the margin or a dried flower right in the middle, it always feels like you've discovered someone's secret. I love finding great books & sharing them with loved ones. Sharing a good book with a friend so you can talk about it & analyse every little detail is a great pleasure (or quote your favourite characters in all conversations, ie. Harry Potter)

My reading habits are a bit on the odd side. I always have a book on my bed side table & in my handbag. I go through phases, it's a strict balance between eating them up like hot cakes & starting 4 different books, not reading much & never finishing any of them.

This true love of reading runs in the family, both my grandmothers read like they breathe, so does my mum. She will gobble up a book in a matter of hours. I am currently in a reading frenzy, I've been reading everything & anything, which brings me to the next stage : the desperate need to find THE perfect book. So here goes, my current book wish list..

1 // Swimming Studies by Leanne Shapton

2 // A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald by Therese Anne Fowler

3 // The Debt to Pleasure by John Lanchester >> Currently reading this!

4 // Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

5 // The Fault in our Stars by John Green

6 // I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai (with Christina Lamb)

// Feel free to leave me any of your recommendations in the comment section & tell me if you read any of these! //