Making Lists 01 | The Best Things about being alive by Sophie

I am so excited to introduce you to this new series called Making Lists - as you may already know I have a list obsession.. after writing this post, people started making their own, which made me realise that I am not the only one out there who LOVES to make lists.

A few years ago my dear friend Beatrice started this little book of lists just before she went travelling for a year. She wanted to take something away with her that would remind her of all the people she loves. So she asked all of her friends & family to write a list, it could be about anything, but it had to be in the form of a list. I remember writing my favourite childhood memories with Bee in that little notebook.. She then left on her travels with a book full of love but also helpful & hilarious lists! So thank you for inspiring me Bee!

So here we go, each week I will present you with a list by some of my favourite bloggers & friends. We are starting with Sophie from The Littlest Things also known as my soul-sister who lives on the other side of the world (Sydney). These photos will warm you up for sure...

Helllllo fellow JFJ readers. I'm so happy to be posting for my soul-sister! Tans asked me to share a list on anything in the world and the first thing that popped into my mind was that I wanted to write a list, not only about what makes life great, but what makes me so happy to be alive. Maybe it's the same, but I think writing a list on the best things about being alive means you have to think more detailed. There are a billion things that make life great but when it comes to appreciating being alive, you have to be a little more descriptive to really make you feel it :) Below is my list... 

A List Of The 8 Best Things About Being Alive:

1. Falling in love with the person who you couldn't even conjure up in your wildest dreams. It makes everything worth it!

2. Exploring the beautiful outdoors. The mountains, the coast, the countryside. They are all magical in their own right and put everything into perspective. 

3. Rainy days at home and having nothing to do all day - listening to chilled music, drinking lots of tea & cuddling up in bed with comfy socks on. Throw in a movie marathon of some sort and it's perfection.

4. FOOD! Glorious, glorious food! Spending days in the kitchen cooking up a storm for friends or baking all day in your pajamas. Food is vital to making life better! 

5. Mornings when you don't have to rush off to work. Better yet, when you wake up and think you do then remember that you don't - a smug smirk comes across my face and I drop my head back down on the pillow and wake up slowwwww. I make myself a cup of tea and then drink it back in bed with the curtains open, the fresh morning air wafting in and with my computer on my lap. Sometimes, there really isn't anything better than this!

6. Road trips! The kind of ones that are spontaneous but you know you also have a great destination at the end of it so there's this awesome combination of spontaneity and anticipation. The perfect road trip would include coast, countryside and mountains! 

7. Sunset drinks. Whatever your favourite drink is; a nice chilled Sauvignon Blanc, a gin & tonic or even a vodka on the rocks (ouch), they all taste better when enjoyed in the sunset. Preferably while on vacation and by the beach. With a nice tan and enjoying them with friends and great food. 

8. Those moments that take your breath away and literally stop you in your tracks and make you think that life seriously is sensational. Those moments might not come as often as we would like (but I doubt we would appreciate them as much if they did) but I am pretty sure they usually happen when you're doing one of the above things.

*Photographs by Sophie Learmont from The Littlest Things


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