
This photo has nothing to do with this post but ya' know... Picture taken by my dad when I was 2 (I think...?!)

This week has been a roller coaster of emotions. There are a lot of things that I haven't talked about on this blog, that have been going on behind the scenes for quite some time! But today I finally feel like I can share the news with you... 

This past Monday I decided to quit my 'day job'. I've known I wanted to do it for a while now, but I had to wait for the perfect timing. I decided to quit because it just wasn't (and never was) what I wanted to do in life, it was draining all of my energy, positivity and creativity. 

But one of the main reasons why I have done it now is because I have decided to move to Australia for a year (!!!!!) I am beyond excited and I wish I could have shared it all over as I've known for months now! I figured life is too short, I don't want to settle for anything short of amazing, and I wasn't getting amazing right here in London over the past 10 months, so I decided to change things around and go for it! It's terrifying and life changing but that's exactly what I need right now. 

So things around here are about to change a little! I have a month left in London, I am planning to make the most out of it, seeing all the people I love, visiting all of those places I haven't been yet (the list goes on for miles..) and enjoying this wonderful city before I go.

End of October I will be flying home (in the South of France) to spend time with my family for a couple of months. I have been craving the countryside and French food for some time, so be prepared for a lot of that on the blog! I will also take this time to work on all of the projects I've started (some very exciting ones are in the loop so stay tuned!) 

Tickets to Australia haven't been booked yet, but they will be shortly! At the moment I am planning on leaving some time end of January. I will base myself in Sydney, but I have plenty of plans to travel around, go on road trips and visit countries like New-Zealand, Bali, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam.... A lot! 

As some may know I am even more excited about all of this because I will be reunited with my sister from another mister Sophie! She is planning her wedding at the moment, and being away on opposite sides of the world is so hard! I'm missing out on wedding dress shopping.. I mean come on! She (& George!!) will be the perfect Sydney guide and I cannot wait for her to show me around.. 

I also wanted to say thank you for reading JFJ and leaving the sweetest comments, I cannot begin to tell you how grateful and amazed I am that you are reading my blog! I hope you will be sticking around as I am about to start a new chapter in my life and take you along my adventures down under! 


Weekend Scenes


Sunday Brunch at the Bvlgari Hotel