One Sleepy Autumn Evening

Evening Autumn LightEvening Autumn LightUntitled

Today I win the record for the quickest Office>Tube>Flat>Bed journey (which is rare). The trees are going red and it's getting dark a little earlier every day. Autumn has arrived! When I opened the door the flat was bathing in this beautiful orange light, and my bed was whispering "Come to me Tania.. Come to me''. Commuting is my worst enemy. Wait no, the tube, more specifically the district line, is my worst enemy. So when I manage to get home quick, without suffocating in a mass of people, I count myself lucky. As I am typing this I am battling with my eyelids, they are going to win, I can feel it. Tomorrow is thursday, which means the day after tomorrow is Friday and that's just amazing news..because I live for the weekends! (I like to keep you updated with the week days in case you lost it) Now if you excuse me I am on my way to Dreamland..

*Photos taken with my iPhone 

Marianne | New Restaurant in Notting Hill


Night Skies