A few scenes from my weekend

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I spent the weekend in the countryside at my grandparent's house in Hampshire. I just forget how I love coming here and every time I promise myself I'll go back more often, but then life takes over and 3 months go by and I'm still in London. But not this time! I will go back very soon... I will, I will, I will...! I feel so rested after 2 days spent reading in the garden, going on long walks in the South Downs, and sleeping in complete silence (no police cars, airplanes or motorbikes) Plenty more photos are coming soon...

1 - South side of my favourite house in the entire world
2 - Hydrangeas (I learnt they were called 'Annabelle')
3 - 5 little piggies I encountered on a morning walk.

*If you want to read previous posts about Kent House...

The country has my heart


Sisters make the best friends in the world