Love Links

// Photos from Vogue US //

Sorry I have been very absent on the blog recently! I am having a hard time finding a balance between work and blogging, I normally write my posts in the evening and schedule them for the next day, but these days I've either been out and about after work or came back home exhausted, collapsed on my bed and that was the end of the story. I spend my whole day in front of a computer so it can be quite draining to come back home and sit in front of a screen again! It's just one of those weeks you know? How do you guys find balance between life, work and blogging?? I'd love to hear your tips! 

I couldn't be happier that it's FINALLY Friday. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Here are a few links (that I emailed myself throughout the week..) that I loved and made me laugh...

- Let's start with the best article I've read in a long time : How to Fold A Thong: A Straight Man Working At Victoria's Secret. (You will laugh out loud, just a warning if you're at work..) (Thank Rachel for this!)

Kate Upton for her first US Vogue cover. Need I say more? She looks unbelievable. What. A. Babe. The photography and styling are perfect (photos by the talented Mario Testino).

- These peanut butter brownies. I dare you not to lick your computer screen.

- This post from Soph about her favorite Instagrammers (I must say I discovered a few I didn't know!)

- This post from Maiedae about business partners (I absolutely love their story and their great tips about growing a business with your best friend)

- This beautifully photographed food blog called The First Mess, which is going straight to my Daily Reads..!

- I am planning a trip to Morocco for September, so looking through Rosie's Morocco posts makes me super giddy. (ps: Have you been? Any magical place/restaurant/hotel you could tell me about?)

Hanna Seabrook's beautiful home photographed by Olivia for the Glitter Guide. When can I move in?




Charlotte's Confirmation