We tried to spice up our poses this year... worked well I think.

Oh Christmas how I miss you already! We had a wonderful time at my grand-parents house. So many dance parties in the kitchen, so much food, so many laughs, so much champagne, so many games, so much love. The chocolate cake (with vanilla icing covered in hazelnuts.. ;) was for my dad's birthday (he was born on christmas eve!!) I have to admit I wasn't very good at taking a lot of pictures this year. Up until Boxing day when I started using my new baby - Santa thought I was really good this year and got me a new DSLR. I'M IN LOVE. I'm now back in London, missing the country already but I'm  all snuggled up on the sofa with my dad on one side, a stack of Pringles on the other and Titanic on telly which isn't too bad. More pictures to come...


Christmas Part 2


Merry Christmas !