- Ok let's be serious for a minute. I NEED these beauties by Kurt Geiger. Just look at them, seriously. (Hi, Santa, I've been a really good girl this year... please?)
- Maybe just a little bit obsessed with this look from Sincerely, Jules.
- Does anyone know where this elephant Iphone 5 case comes from. I WANT I WANT!!!
- I said it on twitter, but if you need inspiration for your christmas shopping, just check this amazing guide on The Londoner. I personally want the onesie and the leather bag .... OK and the radio.
- In love with the photography on Nathan and Katie Williams' blog called Hear Black
- If you like food, beautiful photography and France, you will LOVE this stunning blog called Manger (it's in english don't you worry)
- This is how I want my christmas to look like. 
- I have started this secret board on Pinterest called 'This Dream I am working on', I am such a visual person, inspiration boards really help pushing me in the right direction. I got the idea through the wonderful FairyTales are True blog. With new year's resolutions coming up, I think it is a great alternative!

* All Pictures can be found via my Tumblr.

Life Lately

