10 things

1. Do you know this beautiful blog called The Glow ?? You get a glimpse in the life of a few supermodels/super-talented mums. I love the concept, and the photography. Oh and I just want to be them.

2. I want THIS right now. If a burger could be sexy, that one would be it. I'm telling you.

3. This blog makes me want to drop everything, pack a backpack, a tent, maybe a few of these, and go on a serious hike in the mountains, lost in the woods.
4. I want to live on the Fig&Fauna farm.
5. If you ever wonder what I'll be doing on October the 8th, I'll be watching GG and 90210 SEASON PREMIERE. I'm dying with excitement!!!! (sad - I know)
6. Seriously in love with Rose's A nice little Tumblr. That girl has great taste. (oh and if you don't know The Londoner by now, stop reading right now, click over here as fast as you can and thank me later.)
7. Kinfolk had a picnic in Paris and I wasn't invited. I know. How rude. (no but seriously... is there anything more dreamy, than Kinfolk in PARIS??!)
8. Latest pet peeve. People hashtagging every single word. #what #is #the #point ???
9. Ok now let's get serious for a second. Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds married in MY dream wedding location. Now what am I supposed to do. Huh?
10. I hate goodbyes, they truly suck. I hate seeing Lizzie cry because I'm leaving once again. I hate packing. I hate Ryanair for not allowing me to bring my entire closet. but I'm kind of super duper excited for this new adventure!



A walk to the river