Fall Wish List

Fall Wish List 1
Fall Wish List 2
Fall Wish List 4
Fall Wish List 3

Fall (or Autumn as I should probably say being Half British and all...) I am SO excited to see you!
I am finding myself longing for cooler days, when I can wrap myself up in my favourite jumper, drink hot chocolate all day long without feeling guilty and baking all sorts of spicy, pumpkiny delicacies (yep I just made that word up...).
I couldn't really tell you what is my favourite season. I truly love them all the same, all I know is that after a while I just want to jump onto the next. I am going to miss this superbe sunny weather, pool parties, my tan and all the wonderful fresh food summer has to offer, but I am oh so very ready for Fall!!
Fall/Autumn call it whatever you want, is truly beautiful. I mean the colours, the smells, the misty mornings, the fashion, it doesn't get much better.
Now I know we still have 12 days of summer left, and trust me I am going to enjoy every second of it, but hurry up pumpkins! I want Halloween, I want roasted vegetable soups, long evening baths, big scarves and bigger jumpers. 
Oh and you know what Fall means... it means Winter and Christmas (eeeek) are just one step closer!

Sources : 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 .
* You can read my past Summer Wish List over here.


Little scenes from a day at the lake


That's what my instagram has to say about today