Back to reality

I'M BACK! Back to reality. 
After a crazy week filled with a lot of partying, various sports competitions (water volleyball, go karting, accrobranching, petanque, synchronised diving... you name it), a lot of food, way too many drinks, not enough sun, a long journey to the beach... I am exhausted and in need of another holiday. 
A full house of 10 people, 2 dogs, 3 cats, 1 horse and many chickens, for a whole week, has been amazing, although I will need a LONG break before our next reunion!
As you can imagine, I didn't have one minute to myself, which explains the lack of posts/pictures. I was busy entertaining, cooking, cleaning, organizing! 
But I am back for good! I am enjoying quiet time at home in France until mid september when I will be moving back to London! 
I have found a job as an au pair for a year, which will give me time to find my dream job and work towards it. 
I am super duper excited, I have found a great little family, so be ready for some baby/toddler picture overload, a lot of rain, plenty of tea and a great dose of beautiful London.
Ps: photo credit to ellen!


Morning Mist


A bikini thought