Au Pair

These days I have been thinking about what happens after summer. Then I got a little freaked out.

Living at my parent's house for the next 6 months was NOT an option. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love it here, and its the perfect holiday spot, AND I am oh so very lucky to be able to stay here with my family and have them supporting me.

BUT and there's a but, I like to be independent, and while I'd like to take this time to reflect on a new career and starting a new course next year, I don't want to be sitting there doing nothing.

So I have decided that I will be an au pair for the next 6 months or so.

Now, that's when I need a little help...from you guys! I am looking, and desperately searching for the perfect little family in London who would be looking for a nice, trustworthy, fun and responsible (half) French au pair. Possibly in America too, if there is an opportunity.. I'm open to ideas.

So if you know of anyone nice, looking for someone like me, please let me know?

I'd be forever grateful, I'll even bake you cupcakes. If that's not a deal, I don't know what it is!!

Ps: I have been asking myself the question, should I post about looking for a job on this blog, or not? While I still have my doubts whether or not that's a good idea, I just did it. Maybe it's time for this little space of mine to step up its game and help me out!


Lunch with mamie


Green weekend