Love Links and other ramblings
- Maybe you know this already but I have
a little Tumblr going on. I like it. It makes me happy and works just like an inspiration board.
- I made one or two changes to my Inspiration page, which is now called
Daily Reads. I organised all my favourites in different categories. Check me out.
- You know I have been looking into Interior Design as a second degree and new chapter in my life, well now I have been thinking about Graphic Design, and quite seriously, between you and me, I kind of like it a LOT. Inspired by talented designers like
Emma Dime,
Design Love Fest,
Jessica Comingore .
- Absolutely LOVE
this post by Joy the Baker (surprisingly not about food but lessons learned!)
This post by my sweet blogger friend Natasha. Her husband wrote her a letter every single day during the ninety days they were apart. Romance at its best.
- And this
post by Maiedae about healthy living, so inspiring.
- Found
this pretty wedding video, these two are CUTE. Made a mind note that I will have my wedding filmed.
- I know I am in love with a lot of things right now, but this blog called
Fig and Fauna is quite high up on my list. Check
this video they made and join in on my current blog crush.
This is it for now, have a lovely weekend !