I fancy

- That picture of Hector my sister sent me today. How big is he?? Not a puppy anymore... *sad face*. What excites me the most is that Hector attended his first day at 'puppy school' last saturday! (I like to call it puppy school... just a fancy name for obedience classes) 

- I'm no where near getting married. I would need someone for that. But I kind of maybe know what my wedding day will look like, and that one is pretty close. No biggie, just flying all my guests to Tuscany.

This song has been playing all day. A little obsessed.

- Scarlett Johansson has been one of my girl crushes for a while now, but this article she wrote made me love her even more. ( found on this lovely blog )

HIM . Marry me?

The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet - my favourite show in the whole history of favourite shows. I mean it's pretty amazing, inspiring, empowering, uplifting, funny, sad, beautiful... the list goes on. If you haven't watched it yet, I REALLY recommend it. Finally a show that speaks the truth about women.

- Looking into maybe doing some volunteering in Tanzania next september... SO excited!

That cute little number for hot summer evenings.

Have a wonderful weekend !

ps: I know I said I wouldn't post a lot while I still have finals but I also said that I procrastinate a lot. I guess procrastination wins. Again.


The beginning of a new life or the end of life as I know it.


I really should be revising right now...