Finally back

Sicily was amazing. A mix of rain and hot sun. Pasta and pizza. Volcanos and beaches. Fruits and Gelato. Walking and driving. Visits and naps. Churches and restaurants.
It was refreshing, mind blowing, and relaxing. I fell in love with Italian. My hips and bum definitely loved a little too much all the fantastic food. My freckles are back on the tip of my nose. My suitcase was filled with olives, Parmigiano Reggiano, pasta, sun dried tomatoes and all sorts of Italian delicacies. 
Right now I am editing the hundreds of pictures I took, a little nostalgic I must say, but getting Hector the puppy, back makes it all so much better. 
I'm leaving you with some sisterly love right there. I could write you pages of reasons why I love that girl, but telling you that she is my best friend and gives me belly ache laughs everyday should be enough. The rest, in pictures, is on its way...


Sicily Part 1


Happy Easter Weekend