In the woods

Yesterday afternoon Elisa and myself decided it was time to take Hector for a little walk.  Our house is in the middle of the countryside, the only problem I find, is that we are surrounded by agricultural fields. There are tons of lovely walks around here, we even have the 'Chemin de Saint Jacques de Compostelle' (called St James' Way in english, have a look here) if you have ever heard about it, which goes through our village. But to get to most of those nice walks we have to take the car, which is a little bit of a pain in the a** if you ask me. Especially when I want to go for a ride (horse ridding if you are wondering), it always has to be long ones, because I need to get to the nice bit first. Anyway, so yesterday we didn't take the car anywhere, but found those tiny little woods near the house. Hector and Filou had a blast. We had a blast. I love exploring new places, and don't get me started on the smell, this humid earthy wooden smell. One of my favourites. After maybe, the smell of rain, fresh cut grass and the smell of hot bread coming out of the oven. We took a few pictures and made crowns out of straw and moss. Then walked back home, had tea and sesame biscuits. (Please notice how my sister cannot hold a straight face.)


Happy Easter Weekend


Rainy Day