Pancakes Day

Picture taken from the fabulous blog What Katie Ate. Check it out! (The recipe to reproduce  that beauty is in there! go!)
This is dedication, I am writting this post from my itouch (as my computer had two blackouts in the space of 5 minutes..not a good sign)!

I hope you all had a nice day filled with pancakes! Mine was a bit dreadfull at first as I spent it on campus, in the library or in one of my classes. But it ended nicely with an all crepes dinner! We started with savoury ones, and finished with maple syrup and nutella (not at the same time of course!)

My breadless Lent starts tomorrow, and I'm freaking out slightly... you should have heard my mum's reaction on skype earlier on, it sounded like "Are you being serious?! What are you going to eat??" That woman knows me well.

Awkward and Awesome Thursday!


Monday blah