Sweet Vanilla Cupcakes.

Today I decided to bake cupcakes. I am going to London tomorrow for my little cousin's birthday brunch.
Charlotte's birthday was last thursday, so as part of her late birthday present I am bringing her those sweet little cupcakes:

I thought you'd like to know what they're made of. SO here's the recipe I followed! 
I used the basic recipe from a French book my friend got me last Christmas, in case you're interested it's called Cupcakes and it's by Estérelle Payany from the Solar Editions.
Ingredients (for 12 cupcakes) :
- 2 large eggs (prefarable organic)
- 120 g of soft butter
- 4 tablespoon of milk (5 cl)
- 140 g of  plain flour (OR self-raising flour)
- 100 g of caster sugar
- 2 teaspoons of baking powder (ONLY if using plain flour)
- a pinch of salt
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract (or Orange blossom water)
- Preheat oven to 180°C .
- Beat butter and sugar with electric mixer until smooth and paler in colour.
Add one egg after the other, then the flour, salt, and baking powder (only if you're using plain flour).
- Mix well, then incorporate milk and vanilla extract.
- Drop slightly rounded tablespoons of mixture into paper cases.
- Bake cakes for about 20 minutes (until a nice golden colour).
- Turn, top side up, onto a cooling rack.

Cupcakes straight out of the oven -cooling down.
 When your cupcakes are finally cold, you can start icing them. i have used betty Crocker's Rich&Creamy vanilla Icing. Seriously people you HAVE GOT to try it. I could eat this icing out of the jar like it's ice cream. They also do a chocolate one. I have no words to describe it. It's that good.

 Anyway this is not a commercial for Icing, so just start to ice your little cupcakes and feel free to be as artistic as you like. You can see my first attempt wasn't a success.
 But then i got the decorating set out. And got better.
 Check this baby out!

I am very pleased with them. They are just light and fluffy, the icing is to die for. I have to control myself to not eat them all before tomorrow.
They are now waiting patiently in my fridge, until we all take a trip to London tomorrow morning.
I hope you're having a lovely weekend!

Happy Valentines Day!


Awkward and Awesome Thursday!